Is it Time to Hire a Fractional Sales Leader?

fractional sales leader


What does the dog do when it catches the car?

Did you,  like many business oweners, work for years to build  a successful business. . . and then one day, it happened! Sales are finally coming in and you are now taking a salary. Now, like any business titan, you need more help. . . especially someone to handle all those new and potential clients.  But you didn’t get where you are today by taking on a lot of overheads.  Besides, how do you know if there is enough work to bring on full time help?

First, evaluate the current sales workload.  This should be easy, as most business owners are the comapny’s very first sales team. Look at your sales funnel and estimated time to close. Could a dedicated person close them faster and justify the ROI? Review your sales goals and decide if you need AND can afford help to achieve these goals. Just as important a part of the equation is your own time. Would hiring a fractional sales leader free up your time to concentrate on ways to grow your business?  Spending more time in other aspects of your business may take it to a higher level. 

Some business owners take a hybrid approach by hiring a part-time sales manager to get a better feel on what additional sales staff should look like.

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