Why Companies Choose Fractional Sales Managers vs a Full Time Hire

choosing fractional sales

Several factors contribute to the growing trend of companies turning to fractional sales managers rather than making full-time hires for sales management roles:


Hiring a full-time sales manager involves significant costs, including a competitive salary, benefits, office space, and potentially additional staff. Fractional sales managers are typically contracted on a part-time or project basis, reducing the financial burden on the company. This cost-efficiency is particularly attractive for smaller businesses or startups with limited budgets.

Specialized Expertise:

Fractional sales managers often bring specialized expertise and experience to the table. They have a track record of success in sales management and can quickly assess and address specific challenges within a sales team. Companies benefit from this expertise without the need for a long-term commitment.


Fractional sales managers offer flexibility in terms of engagement. Companies can bring them in for specific projects, during busy seasons, or when they need additional support. This flexibility allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and scale their sales management resources accordingly.

Faster Onboarding:

Full-time hires often require a lengthy recruitment and onboarding process, which can delay the impact they have on the sales team. Fractional sales managers quickly integrate into the existing team and start making improvements immediately, potentially yielding results faster.

In summary, the trend toward fractional sales managers is driven by the desire for cost savings, specialized expertise, flexibility, objectivity, faster onboarding, risk mitigation, access to networks, and scalability. Companies find that this approach allows them to access the skills and experience they need without the constraints of a full-time hire. 

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