Fractional Sales leadership costs much less than hiring your own VP of Sales because the leader is working part-time and not full-time. In some cases, your fractional leader may be semi-retired and simply not be interested in a full-time role, or the Fractional Leader is sharing his time between 3-4 different companies.
An experienced and qualified full-time VP of Sales will cost the business a minimum of 100,000. When you add taxes and benefits, the cost increases a minimum of 20%, and remember, this does not include commission or bonus payments which the top performers will expect.
In the same way that there are full-time positions for 60,000 and some for 600,000, there is a huge difference in the pricing between different leaders. You may be lucky and find a semi-retired Sales Director who will point you in the right direction and make some introductions to his/her network for 2000 per month.